How To Start eBay Dropshipping For Beginners 2024 (A Complete Guide)

How To Start eBay Dropshipping For Beginners

How To Start eBay Dropshipping For Beginners

Creating an eBay Seller Account

The first step in starting your dropshipping journey on eBay is to create a seller account. This process is straightforward and can be completed in just a few steps. Begin by navigating to the eBay website and clicking on the “Register” link in the top left corner. You’ll then need to choose whether you want to create a personal or business account. For those looking to sell on eBay, a business account is the recommended option.

When setting up your business account, you’ll be asked to provide a business name. Choose something that aligns with the products you plan to sell, such as “8-bit Tech” if you’re focusing on tech-related items. You’ll also need to provide your email address and other basic information. Once you’ve completed the registration process and verified your account, you’ll be ready to start selling on eBay.

eBay Store Subscriptions

While starting to sell on eBay is free, the platform does offer optional store subscriptions that can provide additional benefits. These subscriptions range in price from $4.95 per month to $3,000 per month, depending on the features and listing allowances you require. As a beginner, you may not need to invest in a store subscription right away, as the free selling option can be a great way to get started and test the waters. However, as your business grows, you may want to consider upgrading to a paid subscription to unlock more advanced features and increase your selling capacity.

How To Start eBay Dropshipping For Beginners

Is Dropshipping Legal on eBay?

The short answer is yes, dropshipping on eBay is legal, but there are some important caveats to be aware of. eBay allows dropshipping where you fulfill orders directly from a wholesale supplier, such as Alibaba, AliExpress, or the AutoDS warehouse. However, listing an item on eBay and then purchasing it from another retailer or marketplace, such as Target or Walmart, to ship directly to the customer is not permitted. Additionally, you are not allowed to dropship brand-name items, as this would violate eBay’s policies.

If your account does get restricted or banned for any reason, there are sometimes ways to get it reinstated. This may involve providing proof of address, proof of ownership of the items you’re selling, or other documentation. It’s important to stay informed and comply with eBay’s policies to avoid any issues with your account.

Seller Limits for New eBay Sellers

As a new seller on eBay, you’ll likely face some seller limits, which typically come in the form of a maximum number of listings per month. This could be as low as 10 listings per month or up to 500 listings per month, depending on your account status and eBay’s assessment of your selling activity.

To get around these limits, you can contact eBay directly and request an increase or removal of the limits. eBay is generally willing to work with new sellers and may be able to adjust the limits as your account builds a positive selling history.

Conducting Product Research

One of the most crucial steps in starting a successful dropshipping business on eBay is conducting thorough product research. The key is to identify in-demand products that have the potential to sell well on the platform. There are several strategies you can use to find winning products:

  • Leverage social media: Check platforms like TikTok for the latest trending products that are resonating with consumers. Look for items that have gone viral in the past month or so.
  • Utilize the AutoDS Marketplace: The AutoDS Marketplace and Winning Products sections feature items that have a proven track record of sales, making them excellent candidates for your eBay store.
  • Automate your product importing: The AutoDS platform offers an automatic import feature that can quickly and easily add products to your eBay store, saving you time and effort.

Remember, the more products you have listed on eBay, the more opportunities you’ll have to make sales. Aim to build a diverse product catalog with hundreds or even thousands of items to increase your chances of success.

Order Fulfillment and Automation

Once you start receiving orders on your eBay store, the next step is to fulfill those orders. This involves placing the order with your supplier and providing the customer’s shipping information. As your business grows, manually fulfilling orders can become increasingly time-consuming.

To streamline the order fulfillment process, you can leverage automation tools like the ones offered by AutoDS. Their “Fulfilled by AutoDS” and “Automatic Orders” features can handle the order placement and tracking number updates automatically, saving you valuable time and effort.

How To Start eBay Dropshipping For Beginners


Starting a dropshipping business on eBay can be an excellent opportunity for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up your eBay seller account, navigate the platform’s policies, conduct effective product research, and automate your order fulfillment process.

Remember, the key to success in eBay dropshipping is to continuously expand your product catalog, optimize your listings, and leverage automation tools to streamline your operations. With the right strategies and a commitment to learning and growth, you can build a thriving dropshipping business on the eBay platform.

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